The Las Vegas Courtesan

Ricky Hatton Fight Weekend And Some Other Random Thoughts

I am looking forward to this weekend (I think) when the UK guys hop the pond to come to Vegas to see Ricky Hatton fight at the MGM Grand. I have no idea who he is fighting, nor do I care, but all I know is he sure does draw a crowd from his fans in northern England. Though I stayed really busy during his last fight against Mayweather, I learned a lesson on what part of England spends the most money on girls. Seems to be the southern gents of the island and not the northern guys that have the deep pockets. The northern clients are of a more hit or miss situation thrown in with a little spunky attitude. Ah well I can take them all! I’d rather it be busy and be mediocre than just plain old boringly slow any day.

My other random thought for the day: Why are there so many vanity license plates that are in reference to pimping. That has to be one of the more idiotic things I have seen people in the business do. That’s like a stoner putting on his plates, “Reefer” or “TokinUp” or a druggie putting “SnrtCok” on his car. Just not a bright move I would think. So the latest plate (which was out of state) that I saw was “Pipn8EZ” driving around Las Vegas. So, if you are followed, investigated, and charged with pimping across state lines then it turns into a federal matter. That guy must be *brilliant*! If the men are that dumb, the girls who follow them around like lost puppies must be even more intellectual. Sheesh.

Speaking of pimping, I am still meaning to do my own mini-questionnaire for the girls who I know who have pimps. I’m slightly nervous because I don’t want others (or their pimps) to know that I am asking questions but I am just curious: WHY have a pimp?? Agencies do all of the work, so what is that guy good for? So here are the two questions I have which are short and simple:

1) Why do you have a pimp
2) How did you end up having one.

Any other suggestions for my little questionnaire? I would love input!

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6 Responses to “Ricky Hatton Fight Weekend And Some Other Random Thoughts”

  1. Fifty-One-Fifty Says:

    I’ve been slow the past 2 weeks. It’s been awful. This week last year was the best week I ever had.

  2. Dan Says:

    More questions for girls with pimps:

    Has your pimp ever hurt you physically?
    Are you in love with your pimp?
    If your pimp suddenly vanished, would you need to find a replacement?
    How much of the money you earn does your pimp take?
    How often do you have sex with your pimp?
    How has your pimp changed you?
    How does your pimp treat you when you’re unable to work?
    How does having a pimp affect your relationships with others (family, friends, lovers, etc.)?

  3. Jessica T. Says:

    I tried the indy route for a year and I was not successful. What all the other indies would do was talk about how their love life sucked, complained about how clients suck and of course a favorite topic was how much they hated pimps. Even though most of us never really met a official pimp.

    Well when I met the right one he was handsome, a gentleman and not a strerotypical thug or flashy comic book charactor. I got to know him and choose him and I have been with him for 6 years. I have one child by him. He has never hit me. He doesn’t call me a bitch or a ho, as a matter of fact he rarely curses at all and if he does it is around other men not women nor children.

    Like anyone else we have had some disagreements and a few verbal fights. But otherwise we have a fantastic relationship. I know how to work the lounges, the net, I give out business cards to potential clients, I make great money. I worked 6 days a week in the beginning now I work 5 days a week because I am a mom. When I go to college I will work 4 and a half days a week. My man is a genius in the business and taught me things I would have never learned in the indy circle. I use protection for everthing including oral, I don’t kiss clients and still make great money.

    I have a car in my name, a condo in my name and my man’s name. I have a bank account and excellent credit. He calls the shots when it comes to money. But if we did break up I would be fine I have the knowledge, my wardrobe, condo and car and would still make great money but I have no plans of breaking up with him. I do have a wife-in-law and she is bi like me and we do have great sex with each other as well as our man. I am sexually satisfied to the fullest. He inspired me to quit sniffing cocaine, quit smoking cigarettes and cut down my drinking to an occasional social drink and smoking weed once a week at the most. He inspired me to get my GED diploma and I am going to college next January.

    They are a lot of bad guys who are not pimps but imposters so I can understand why a lot of providers are scared but if you find the right one you will be treated like a queen. But I think a lot of girls in the business pick square guys who are losers. When they do get a boyfriend it is some struggling artist, musician, actor or even worse some guy who is a drunk, junkie or crackhead or some drug dealer thug who beats them up.

    I am truly blessed to have a man who loves me and I love him. I have a man I can retire with who will accept me for me.

  4. Las Vegas Escorts Blog - Erotica - Nude Photography » Blog Archive » Thanksgiving Week In Las Vegas Wrap-Up Says:

    […] Advertising « Ricky Hatton Fight Weekend And Some Other Random Thoughts […]

  5. Las Vegas Escorts Blog - Erotica - Nude Photography » Blog Archive » Things From Jail About Pimping Still Running Through My Head Says:

    […] I didn’t have my trusty journal pad handy to ask these girls questions that were written down in this entry by myself and other readers. I probably wouldn’t have done it anyway since I was in a holding […]

  6. Jim Says:

    I would always prefer an independent woman simply because to the exploitation factor. I’m not sure how you can always tell though. I enjoy your blog,

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