The Las Vegas Courtesan

My Thoughts On New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Resignation…

I find it amusing that I have people combing websites to find out who I really am. Awesome! Keep searching… it’s possible. I have actually had one person figure out who I was and booked a party with me. I was quite surprised when I found this out… so see? It is possible.

So someone else asked me about my opinion on the whole ridiculously over-rated Spitzer sex-scandal and his involvement in a “prostitution ring”. I don’t see what the whole huge deal was that the media and the New York government immediately wanted him to step down. As far as I know, he didn’t lie under oath. The new governor has admitted now to using cocaine and marijuana so how does that make him any better of a governor than Spitzer? They both broke the law, neither done in front or to a law enforcement officer, so who knows what really happened? Most importantly… who cares? I sure don’t. I don’t know if Spitzer was that swell of a governor but it’s a shame he lost his job for this and the replacement isn’t much better of a “moral character”. I hate that word by the way… morals. Its something that the right winged religious fanatics care about and that’s the voice that gets heard the most in our government. I wish our country would get out of the Victorian Age of thinking and get a wake up call.

I can’t find the poll but a friend of mine told me of a poll he saw on the Times’ web site about prostitution and should it be legal or not. He said that a large majority said they think it should be legalized and regulated. Wow… just wish I could find that!

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6 Responses to “My Thoughts On New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Resignation…”

  1. cj Says:

    kudos to you-couldn’t agree with you more that there are much more serious issues facing our society today that should be addressed. Unfortunately the majority of our elected officials choose to tkae the squirmy way out and deal with what they view to be the easy stuff! Spitzer’s real problem is that he had ruffled most everyone’s feathers in NY and didn’t have anyone wiling to go to bat for him. For those who throught he would be the savior NY so desperately needed, he turned out to be a major disappointment.

    On the other front, it gives me great comfort to know that someone has actually had success in that area…it has become a mjor challenge although one which I refuse to abandon!!

  2. Mark Says:

    Whores were the least of Eliot’s problems. He was a thug in power, a hypocrite and a criminal.

    “In one of Eliot Spitzer’s last scandalous actions on March 7, 2008, Brandon Sall; a haughty campaign donor to Spitzer’s campaign with zero recognizable experience in either politics or transportation was bestowed an appointment to the New York State Thruway Board.

    We, the undersigned request that the appointment of Brandon R. Sall, a wholly unqualified party to the New York State Thruway, be refused by the New York Senate.

    We do not support pay to play politics.

    It is our hope that current governor Paterson should appoint an individual of esteem, intellect and appropriate experience be appointed to the existing vacancy on the New York State Thruway Authority Board.”


  3. andy Miller Says:

    I dont think you get it. Spitzer was prosecuting escort services at the same time he was patronizing one.

    His crime is hypocrisy- not sex.

    PS- love your site !

  4. lasvegascourtesan Says:

    I do get it… just like cops that get hookers here in Vegas put them in jail whenever they return to their job at home. That’s politics for ya. And last I checked…hypocrisy isn’t illegal.. if it was then 90% of politicians would be out! haha. Bush being the FIRST! Now if he lied under oath? Thats a whole different animal..

  5. Compartments Says:

    I only felt sorry that “Kristen” got outed. Then I was astonished at the fact that she could make tons of money from cheesecake magazine spreads and telling (selling) her story. I think I can speak for most call girls that being outed certainly won’t make me a millionaire. Instead, if my friends, family, neighbors, ex-boyfriends, and co-workers, etc. ever found out I was a call girl it would be devastating. Not to mention clients finding my blog and wanting to book a session with me, especially since I write so much against their “hobby.” Gives me chills….

  6. Eliot Spitzer » My Thoughts On New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Resignation… Says:

    […] lasvegascourtesan wrote an interesting post today on My Thoughts On New York Governor Eliot Spitzerâ

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