The Las Vegas Courtesan

Last Minute Change of Mind..

Quick, funny little story:

On Friday I was pretty busy running around town and had a few calls from services that hadn’t gone through in a row so I was getting a little frustrated. I showed up at Treasure Island for yet another call and the phone girl for the service contacted the customer and informed him that he needed to go downstairs to meet up with me so I can get by security who checks for room keys at the elevators. He agrees and I get a description of what he will be wearing and I venture in…

I walk up to the only person wearing the outfit described, but the guy’s head is laying on the slot machine like he’s passed out. Great, how awkward looking is this? I say the guys name and he looks up at me with seriously blood shot eyes and I notice he’s on the phone, “I can’t do this!” he exclaimed. To act less obvious I said “Can’t do what?” and he replies, “I’m on the phone with my girlfriend and she doesn’t want me hanging out with other girls.” I almost laughed out loud but held it back and said it’s all right. He said, “I’ll give you money! Here!” I panicked since security was right there and I said “Huh? What are you talking about? Lets take a walk.”

We walk away from the slot machines back towards the parking garage and says, while still on the phone, “I can’t do it… I am fucked up over this girl. Here’s $50” and hands me a wadded up five. I showed him and pointed out that it was a five but don’t worry about it, this looked really bad. So he pulls out more wadded up bills and since I have keen eyes for spotting denominations from a mile away I see the one on top is a $100. He says, “Here is a little more” and I take the $100, thanked him and he said “Sorry it’s not $50”. I thanked him and giggled the whole way back to the garage.

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One Response to “Last Minute Change of Mind..”

  1. Diana of Calgary Says:

    Your story makes me smile about my experiences with those “last minute changes of mind … or changes of heart”. Every now and then, I get a call from a middle-aged, married client who has never used an escort service before. Sometimes after I have arrived and settled the business details, they get so guilt-ridden that they just can’t go through with it. In these cases, I spend time talking with them and hanging out, and often leave without having to do anything else.

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